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We'd like to hear YOUR opinion. Be an active part of the Craft Haven Collective by submitting your own product reviews, ideas for easy to follow patterns, or pictures of hand-made projects you've done. If you are a Bay Area organization, we would love to hear more about what you do and any events that you may have coming up. Please send submission ideas here.


Simple Patterns

Drawstring Bag
Tension Wrap
Seam Conversions

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Product Reviews

"The Party Dress Book" is by Mary Adams, an amazing designer/artist in NYC who makes one-of-a-kind wedding and party dresses. Adams' book includes not only her ideas, inspirations and techniques, but it includes a pattern, too. The book gives great ideas about using fabric in interesting and unusual ways, layering colors, piecing scraps, and incorporating vintage fabrics. This book is an inspiration to anyone creating their own designs. Submitted by Lainie Koch.

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Student Projects


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